
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2017


      I';ve been working some time with machines and maybe because this nowadays I see life as a bunch of components and gears, connecting each other. We're in center of this big machine. In the center of this engine there we are. The main gear.       Around us a lot of other gears that we're going plugging in during our life. Building step by step a very complex machine.Those gears that we're going adding have all their own size and places according to their importance in the course of our lives. Family, work, fun, health, love… All those gears also jointing their own components, with also their own importance and size inside those substations.     Some of those gears will also be replaced by others, while they're going stopping working and impacting in the good working of the system. Some of those gears also need a maintenance. Put grease, clean up, realignment, because the bad working of one of those, also will affect the good w...


Venho trabalhado há algum tempo com máquinas e talvez por isso eu vejo hoje a vida como uma porção de componentes e engrenagens interligadas. Estamos no centro dessa máquina. A engrenagem principal. Ao nosso redor várias outras engrenagens que vamos adicionando ao longo da nossa vida. Construindo passo a passo uma complexa máquina. Essas engrenagens que vamos adicionando possuem seu tamanho e lugar conforme a importância que a damos ao longo da vida. Família, trabalho, lazer, saúde, amor… Todas elas também com diversos outros componentes, com sua devida importância e tamanho dentro dessas subestações. Algumas dessas engrenagens também podem ser substituídas por outras, no decorrer em que elas param de funcionar e atrapalhar o bom funcionamento de todo sistema. Algumas dessas engrenagens também temos que dar manutenção. Colocar graxa, limpar, realinhar, pois o mau funcionamento de alguma delas também irá afetar o bom funcionamento das que estão ligadas a ela e todo o maquiná...


Last week I decided to watch again a classic movie from the 80’s: Tron! Isn’t fair to say that the movie special effects were quite ridiculous, because it was what we have in that time and it was awesome! I even can say that I started my walkthrough this world of computing to try to get into the cyberspace just like Jeff Bridges did in the movie. Now I see that the real world is unsleep nights, cups and cups of coffee and a non calm life. Anyway, I still like to imagine that my scripts become little men, dressed in circuits, working on a virtual field of processors and transistors. So, they brought Tron 2: Legacy, innovating with a younger Jeff Bridges version and quite better visual effects. And there’s still an speculated third movie, Tron 3, that would be done in VR. With all those things I had a wish to buy a VR glasses, to so became a virtual little man inside a binary world. I took a quick research and already made some conclusions. VR glasses for PC isn’t still a re...

Tron - Uma Odisséia Eletrônica

Essa semana resolvi assistir novamente um clássico dos anos 80: Tron - Uma Odisséia Eletrônica. Não vou dizer que o filme era tosco, porque era o que tinha na época e na época era o arroxo fumegante dos efeitos especiais. Acho que inclusive comecei a me aventurar nesse mundo da computação pra ver se um dia conseguiria me transportar para o mundo dos circuitos feito Jeff Bridges. Hoje a única coisa que consegui foi falta de sossego, xícaras de café e algumas noites em claro! Mas ainda hoje gosto de imaginar que meus scripts viram homenzinhos vestidos de circuitos trabalhando dentro do campo virtual dos processadores. Daí veio Tron 2 - O Legado, inovando com uma versão do Jeff Bridges jovem e efeitos especiais, claro, mais modernos. E ainda o especulado Tron 3, que seria feito em Realidade Virtual. Diante disso me veio a vontade de comprar um óculos VR e virar um homenzinho virtual dentro de um mundo binário. Andei pesquisando rapidamente e já tenho algumas conclusões. ...

Updating Systems by Parts

One of the biggest problems about systems update is the offline system time for the end user. Mostly when the actions and changes are in the Database. As big is the amount of data and size of the database, as long it will take your system offline. Was that necessity in decrease this time that a company for which I do database consulting, brought me. I had the need to imagine an update strategy in their systems in a way that the end user would stay less time as possible with offline system, or at least, with a minimum of impact in the customer operation. The major trouble about it is to fit the software version with its correspondent database structure. Of course, when this update leads to a database structure change, as table creation, columns, etc. In a hot update, with users using the system, you can even get the database modifications, depending on the database, but there will be a moment, in some parts of the system, that might occur errors due the difference of database struc...