
Last week I decided to watch again a classic movie from the 80’s: Tron! Isn’t fair to say that the movie special effects were quite ridiculous, because it was what we have in that time and it was awesome! I even can say that I started my walkthrough this world of computing to try to get into the cyberspace just like Jeff Bridges did in the movie. Now I see that the real world is unsleep nights, cups and cups of coffee and a non calm life. Anyway, I still like to imagine that my scripts become little men, dressed in circuits, working on a virtual field of processors and transistors. So, they brought Tron 2: Legacy, innovating with a younger Jeff Bridges version and quite better visual effects. And there’s still an speculated third movie, Tron 3, that would be done in VR.
With all those things I had a wish to buy a VR glasses, to so became a virtual little man inside a binary world. I took a quick research and already made some conclusions. VR glasses for PC isn’t still a reality in Brazil. A reasonable glass for this isn’t cheaper than R$3.000, or US$1.000 more or less. Apart that you do need a powerful video card to renderize the scenes.
So you have the VR glasses for mobile. A reasonable one you can find for a price around R$300 (US$100 more or less) and you have a lot apps already for iOS or Android (Fuck off Windows!). And that’s exactly what I’m intending to do. Dismiss my Windows Phone (Fuck off Microsoft). I’m considering to buy a Bobo Z4 or Z5. So I’ll get watch Tron 3 like if I was inside an Hyperloop!


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