March, 06 of 2024

Today was the HYDMedia Services Day Workshop. In the golden days, I used to travel to Germany and attend two days of workshops in person. This year, the event was reduced to half a day and held remotely...

I managed to fix the network issue on the laptop. Just needed to restart ZScaller... 

We are trying to set up an environment with HYDMedia to test and configure monitoring for HYDMedia. I tried to make the HYDMedia work in my internal environment, on server 120, but it's failing. I believe it's due to disk space...

I tried to install HYDMedia on our Insight4U Windows10 server, but also without success. I think I'll have to remove and install another OpenJDK... 

In parallel, I also started installing Check_MK agents on the Pedemontana hosts, but I encountered the following problem...

[root@llu-cups01 as.dedalus]# cmk-agent-ctl -v register -H llu-cups01 -s -i I4U_ITA_PEDEMONT -U agentupdater
INFO [cmk_agent_ctl] starting
INFO [cmk_agent_ctl] Loaded config from '"/var/lib/cmk-agent/cmk-agent-ctl.toml"', connection registry from '"/var/lib/cmk-agent/registered_connections.json"'
INFO [cmk_agent_ctl::site_spec] Failed to discover agent receiver port using https.
INFO [cmk_agent_ctl::site_spec] Failed to discover agent receiver port using http.
ERROR [cmk_agent_ctl] Failed to discover agent receiver port from Checkmk REST API, both with http and https. Run with verbose output to see errors.

It's not receiving data from the agent... I tested a TELNET on ports 80 and 8080 and they are indeed not open. I asked Luca to contact the client to arrange for the necessary ports to be opened for monitoring.

Later, we went to World Travel, the travel agency that is facilitating the release of our US visa. They provided us with instructions on how to behave during the consulate interview.


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