February, 22 of 2024
We didn't have the progress status meeting for the ServiceNav sites in France. Pascal was unwell, and there wasn't much to add from the other team members. Only our team was present, and we won by default.
The meeting with Tony regarding the monitoring of Check_MK vs. Prometheus was also brief. Unfortunately, there isn't an "automatic" way to add the services available in Prometheus. The Check_MK support suggested creating a script to do it. Tony will try with his team in the UK to find a solution for this.I received a rather ridiculous response from Ultrafarma regarding the delay in changing the status of my order from APPROVED to Shipped, or something similar. A pretty useless response, to be honest.
Starting with what the FAQ says:
But the order did not switch from the APPROVED status so that I can track it, or something similar. Totally useless.Then they say in the email: "if you cannot resolve your doubt, we ask that you contact our Relationship Center through our service channels...". The only channel they provide is email. No phones, chat-bots, nothing... So it's in that infernal loop, with the same vague and automatic response without resolving my doubt. I'll wait for the given deadline of 2 to 11 business days to receive the products. If nothing happens, I'll register a complaint with Proteste.
I wrote a procedure to use with Check_MK Oracle's CUSTOM_SQLS to monitor corrupted blocks in the database, and tomorrow I'll test its behavior.
set serveroutput on
set feedback off
ncount NUMBER;
filenumber NUMBER;
blocknumber NUMBER;
vCorruption VARCHAR2(20);
select count(*) INTO ncount from v$database_block_corruption;
if ncount = 1 then
select file#, block#, corruption_type
into filenumber, blocknumber, vCorruption
FROM v$database_block_corruption;
dbms_output.put_line('details: File Number:' || filenumber ||' Block Number: '|| blocknumber ||' Corruption Type: ' || vCorruption);
dbms_output.put_line('exit: 1');
dbms_output.put_line('perfdata: 1');
dbms_output.put_line('long: Corrupted File/Block was detected');
elsif ncount > 1 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('deteils: Multiple Block Corruption was detected');
dbms_output.put_line('exit: 2');
dbms_output.put_line('perfdata: '||ncount);
dbms_output.put_line('long: For more details do: SELECT FILE#, BLOCK#, CORRUPTION_TYPE FROM v$database_block_corruption');
dbms_output.put_line('details: No blocks corrupted');
dbms_output.put_line('exit: 0');
dbms_output.put_line('perfdata: 0');
end if;
I also bought some beers for the meeting tomorrow with Anaílson and Almíria, here at home. I had found some good prices at Pão de Açucar, mainly for the Pale Ale beer!
Luca wanterd to "rename" the mongodb cluster host from als3_llu_mongo_cluster to asl3_llu-mongo_cluster
In the end, only celebration! 🤗
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