Suspending Services for Saving Money
Here in Brazil there are
some resolutions from government organizations which allow you to
suspend temporarily some services, like cable TV, Internet and
telephone. Those services can be suspended for a period from 30 to
120 days, which can be useful if you intend to travel for a month, or
more, or just if you want to reduce your expenses for this period,
without having to cancel your contract.
Instead of the resolutions
and their correspondent article and texts being distinct, depending
on the service, the main text says basically the same:
"The subscriber, that
is updated with your payments, can request to the services provider,
with no cost, the suspension of the services, once in each period of
12 months, for a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 120 days,
keeping the possibility of reactivation of services, without cost, in
the same address on your contract.
§ 1º It's forbidden to
charge any money referring to the service providing, in case of
suspension included in this article.
§ 2º The Subscriber has
the right to request, at any time, the reinstatement of the service
provided, and any charges for the exercise of this right are
§ 3º The Provider has
twenty four hours to attend the request for suspension and
reinstatement of services referred to in this article."
It differs only from
mobile services that instead of quoting "at the same address",
changes to "reinstatement of service provision in the same
Mobile Station." - That means in the same phone line.
I have called my service
providers (cable TV, telephony and internet) and the procedure is
basically the same. You must call your provider the day before your
trip, off-period or uncontrollable desire to stop these services. You
call the company and choose the option to speak with the operator.
From there your service will be suspended from 24 hours after the
request, until you resolve to reestablish the services, that is, call
again the operator, requesting reinstatement. They have a period of
24 hours to restore these services. The charge will be made
proportionally. Only the days when the service was available because
it will be difficult to match the exact start date of the monthly
period charge.
I did a simulation on my
budget worksheet, and cutting/suspending cable TV and internet
services, I would save about $420.00 in a month. Adding to this,
services like Netflix, plus $30, would reach $450.00. However, in the
case of Netflix you can not "suspend". It would have to
actually cancel, and then activate again. In 4 months, 120 days, the
maximum term for suspension of services, the economy could be
$1,800.00. In a year, permanently suspending these services, you
would save around $5,400.00. Of course, these values will vary
depending on the packages contracted.
It just left to know what
is worth and how much you really need to save. Although Internet and
cable TV are not considered essential services, I, for example, need
the Internet for work. So for me it would not be worth canceling this
service. Unless only if for a holidays.
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