Too much work... So few sleep!

Since the year had begun I haven't been sleeping very well. I lay down, turn one side, turn another side, and only late at dawn I can sleep. And suddenly I have to get up to work. Even in the weekends I haven't been sleeping enough. This, somehow (or very how), has been affecting my productivity at work and even in my personal tasks. Searching for the reasons for haven't been sleeping well, the overworking fitted perfectly. The beginning of this year was quite agitated, and has been being since then. When you get home and turn on your laptop, even for personal tasks, it leads your brain in intense activity when you lay down on bed. A research at the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that a group of person that used to work over 55 hours a week had had worst performance on the tests results, then the group which used to work around 40 hours a week. The tests evaluated verbal memory and skills, fluid intelligence (associated with short-term memory, abstrac...