Angaro Finca la Celia com Neugebauer

Um Angaro Finca la Celia e um Neugebauer 70%... Essa foi minha primeira experiência de Vinho com Chocolate. Seguindo a orientação de alguns blogs e até mesmo a coluna de Renato Machado na CBN, comprovei que essa combinação pode ser sim, boa. Tudo depende do vinho e do chocolate. A questão é que nós estamos acostumados a chocolates muito doces, sobremesas muito doces. Para fazer uma boa combinação com o vinho, nem um nem outro podem ser demasiadamente doces. Um bom vinho do porto é uma boa escolha, mas fora isso, o chocolate vai muito bem com os vinhos mais secos. Até minha esposa que não é muito chegada a um vinho seco, concordou que o mesmo desce bem mais suave nessa combinação. Esse blog trás algumas boas sugestões de vinhos e chocolates. Como tive apenas uma experiência (quase um virgem!) não tenho muito que sugerir.

An Angaro Finca la Celia and a Neugebauer 70%... That was my first Wine & Chocolate experience. Following the tips from some blogs and also the Renato Machado Column at CBN, I had proved that this combination can have a good taste. All depends on the wine and the chocolate. The question is that we, brazilians, are accustomed to very sweet chocolates and deserves. To have a good combination between both, none can be too sweet. A good Portuguese Port Wines a good choice, and apart that the chocolate also goes very nice with a strong dry wine. Even my wife that doesn't like those dry wines agreed that the wine is swallowed softly in this combination. As I had only this experience (almost a virgin) I haven't too much to suggest, but this blog brings good suggestions on chocolates and wines!


  1. And even now I'm not sure if I've made the right choice. Here you have to deal with about 2 years worth of "general education" requirements before you pick a major, and even a major might not mean a career. 17 is too young though. Here you can get around with putting it off until you're 20, 21. I just want my B.A. by the time I turn 24. That is all I ask. And I want to have no regrets about my choice because I don't want to have to go back and do it all again, I want some direction for Gods sake.

    I don't drink wine. But yesterday while I was on campus I saw a lewd poster that said "one cocktail, 2 cocktail, 3 cocktail, floor". It was a whole poster of recipes for them. I went home and told my mother, who immediately admonished me and told me that cocktails are strong stuff. I also saw one that said "beer, its the reason I get up every afternoon". Maybe I am better off keeping myself somewhat separate from these people. I am looking forward to some grape juice at the county fair tomorrow. If it were allowed to ferment, it would become a Merlot.

    I'm glad you are back from your illnesses. I gad dehydration yesterday and tomorrow we are expecting a hurricane. Fortunately I can swim.


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