Olhos Castigados

, upload feito originalmente por vicky_paul.

Hoje pela manhã quando vinha para o trabalho tentei prestar atenção nas coisas que me cercavam, tentando encontrar na paisagem algum motivo de alegria. Não falo de paisagens gloriosas, como uma bela praia com um pôr do sol ou a vista de um lago na montanha, mas qualquer coisa simples que pudesse ser extraída alguma beleza de lá. Não encontrei. Percebi que mesmo as coisas simples estão com sua beleza ofuscada pelas nossas preocupações, medos e irritações.

Meus olhos estão demais castigados de ver crianças trocando brinquedos, cadernos e lápis, por pistolas, enxadas e drogas. De ver adultos que não se importam com conseqüências. Inconseqüentes... Inconseqüências que temos que lidar. Olhos castigados de ver pessoas egoístas e egocêntricas incapazes de viver em uma comunidade ou sociedade. Irritantes. Meus olhos estão castigados e cansados de estarem sempre atentos, procurando o perigo em todo e qualquer lugar. Meus olhos estão castigados de ver o lixo em seu caminho, distraído daquilo que uma vez foi belo. Meus olhos estão castigados de tudo que feio, de tudo que é tosco. Meus olhos estão demais castigados de luzes, neon, monitores, lcd e led. Propagandas, apelos, desejos... Meus olhos sacodem de um lado ao outro, abalados.

Quero descansar meus olhos... Nem que seja por uma noite apenas.


Today morning when I was coming to work I tried to pay attention on the things around me, trying to find at the scenery some reason of joy. I'm not talking about some glorious landscape, like a beautiful sunset on a beach or a lake on the mountains, but any simple thing which I could get some beauty from there. I didn't find. I just realized that even the simple things are having their beauty overshadowed by our worries, fears and irritations.

My eyes have been too punished in seeing the children exchanging toys, books and pencils for guns, hoes and drugs. To see adults which don't care about consequences. Inconsequent... Inconsequence which we have to deal to. Eyes punished in seeing selfish and egocentric people, unable to live in a community or society. Annoying people. My eyes have been too punished and tired of being always alert, searching for the dangerous everywhere and anytime. My eyes have been too punished in seeing the garbage in their way, distracting for the things which once were beautiful. My eyes have been tired of all that's ugly, all that’s clumsy. My eyes have been too punished of lights, neon, monitors, lcd and led. Advertisements, appeals and desires... My eyes moving from one side to another, shaken.

I want to rest my eyes... Even if for just one night.


  1. You remind me of the time when I wasn't doing art, I was miserable. I have come to realize that painting is the only thing between me and utter misery.

    I have no idea how they come up with those bizarre verification words. I know I have seen a bunch of very funny ones, but I can't remember them. They are just on the tip of my consciousness, but they refuse to reveal themselves. They remind me of the ridiculous analogies that I did in elementary school. I think that they generate them randomly, are you familiar with the infinite monkey theorem? Maybe we will get Shakespeare out of them someday. I suppose one might remove ducks from an area, that would "unduck", or to stand up after ducking, I suppose that would be "unducking".


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