Fotografias vertidas em alegrias, tristezas, agonias, desejos, saudades, lembranças... Fotografias que encontro dentro de um livro. Fotografias que não querem deixar minha memória, que ainda vejo espalhadas numa pequena caixa. Desconexas. Fotos trazidas pela noite. Guardadas no escuro do quarto. Sufocando-me. Murmuradas em sonhos. Fotografias que brincam em minha mente, como crianças felizes. Vertem-se em uma lembrança triste, de algo que restou apenas naquelas fotos. Alma dolorida e castigada. Fotografias tão vivas quanto o prazer deixado com elas. Olho... Sinto... Fotografias vertidas em sorrisos... Fotografias vertidas em lágrimas.
Pictures turned into happiness, sadness, anguish, desires, missing, memories... Pictures that I found inside a book. Pictures that won't leave my memories, that I still see spread inside a little box. Incoherent. Pictures brought by the night. Kept into the darkness of the room. Suffocating me. Murmured in dreams. Pictures playing on my mind, like happy children. Turning into a sad memory, of something which remains only on those photos. Bruise and castigated soul. Pictures as alive as the pleasure left. I watch... I feel... Pictures turned into smiles... Pictures turned into tears.
Pictures turned into happiness, sadness, anguish, desires, missing, memories... Pictures that I found inside a book. Pictures that won't leave my memories, that I still see spread inside a little box. Incoherent. Pictures brought by the night. Kept into the darkness of the room. Suffocating me. Murmured in dreams. Pictures playing on my mind, like happy children. Turning into a sad memory, of something which remains only on those photos. Bruise and castigated soul. Pictures as alive as the pleasure left. I watch... I feel... Pictures turned into smiles... Pictures turned into tears.
You sound like the lectures that some graduating art students have to write at my school.