Perda de Conexão e os Processos Estourados

Perdoem-me pela minha ausência, aqui e nos outros blogs, mas estou de férias, na praia, deitado em uma rede e preocupado se dou mais um mergulho na piscina do privê ou se vou a praia, dar um mergulho no mar. Como estarei ainda aqui até o final da próxima semana, terei tempo de decidir.
De qualquer modo vamos tratar hoje de um problema que tive na minha última semana de trabalho antes de sair de férias. Os desenvolvedores vinham queixando-se de uma constante perda de conexão com o banco quando executavam uma determinada aplicação. O primeiro lugar que você deve procurar em qualquer problema relacionado ao banco de dados é o arquivo de log. E lá estava o problema:

Mon Jan 11 13:06:45 2010
Process m000 died, see its trace file

Como o log mandou, fui olhar o arquivo de trace correspondente (procurei pela data e hora). Batata:

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes exceeded

Constatei que realmente o parâmetro PROCESSES do Oracle estava abaixo do que normalmente usamos na empresa:
> 50
A solução para esse tipo de problema é bem simples. Logado como SYS ou SYSTEM execute o comando:
> alter system set processes=150 scope=spfile;

Shazzan... problema resolvido.
Bem, espero retornar em breve, pois apesar de tudo sinto falta de escrever e de meus (poucos) leitores... Abraços!


Forgive me for the long time without writing, here and in another blogs, but I'm on vocations, at beach, laid down on a chair worried about if I go again to the pool or if I go to dive at the sea. As I'll be here until the end of the next week, I'll have some time to decide.
Anyway, anyway, I'll talk about a little problem that I had on the last work week before I gone on vocations. Developers were been complaining about a constant connection broken with the database while executing an application. The first place where you must look in, when you have any database problem, is the log file. And there was the problem:

Mon Jan 11 13:06:45 2010
Process m000 died, see its trace file

And as the log told me, I searched the second place: the trace file (look for the file with the date and time near to the log entry). And so there it was:

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes exceeded

The processes parameter was really low, under the default which we use to configure at the company:
> 50
The solution to this problem is really simple. As SYS or SYSTEM you just have to execute the command line:
> alter system set processes=150 scope=spfile;

Shazzan... problem solved.
Well, that's it. I really hope to come back soon, because after all I miss to write and I miss my (few) readers... Hugs!


  1. My mother, who is helping me out with this school business, told me to think about using them for Christmas presents. We have a Haz Mat (hazardous materials) talk tomorrow, there is cadmium in one of my paints. I just had to replace my modem, it was the second time in a month that our internet became disconnected. I wouldn't have minded so much if I hadn't been about to do my final exams over the internet. Enjoy the beach! most of the snow has melted and I am not stuck with black ice(the orthopedist must be making a lot of money right now). But don't worry, it's New England. Five minutes and the weather will change!

  2. Oh, and also, you are on vacation, not vocation. Or have you joined a new religion? The church of multiple swimming locations? :-)I nearly went swimming myself, the brook is almost out of it's banks. I stayed away from the river entirely. There was also a new brook, and yes, I was sweating enough from exercise that a swim might have actually worked. I now because I waded through the new brook to get across what was formerly a running trail. By the end of the week it will likely be a trail again. It is supposed to snow again by Friday.


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