Época de Pinhões e Nozes
Começa Dezembro e com ele a época de armar Árvores de Natal, Presépios, colocar enfeites natalinos e coisa tal. Sei que aqueles enfeites natalinos e árvores de natal passam longe de ser algo condizente com a cultura de nosso país, principalmente Nordeste. Não temos clima frio, nem pinheiros, muito menos pinhões e nozes, mas essas coisas fazem parte da minha infância, logo, da minha formação cultural.
De qualquer modo seria estranho ter em casa um Mandacarú de Natal, enfeitado com chapéis de couro de bode, peixeiras e cossacos! Comer semente de jerimum e bunda de tanajura em vez de nozes e damascos. Além de que em vez de Papai Noel provavelmente teríamos o Antônio Conselheiro, com sua grande barba, trazendo um saco de estopa em suas costas cheio de bonecos mamulengos (eu sei, bizarro). Apesar disso me agrada a idéia de um presépio de barro ao estilo Mestre Salustiano.
Faz cinco anos que não armamos uma árvore de natal em casa... Sinto falta.
December began and with the season to make our Christmas Trees, cribs, x-mas ornaments and so. I do know that those x-mas ornaments and trees are far from be according to our culture, mainly at Nordeste region. We don't have a cold weather, neither pines and even less pines nuts and walnuts, but those things are a part of my children hood, so, my cultural formation.
Anyway would be very strange you have inside your home a "Mandacarú" X-mas tree (cereus jaramacaru), with goat leather hats, "peixeira" (it's like a chef knife) and "cossacos" (kind of bag to keep the hunt) as ornaments! To eat "Jerimum" (Pumpkin) seeds and tanajura ants instead of walnuts and damask. Besides that, instead of Santa Claus we probably would have Antonio Conselheiro, with his great beard, bringing with him a big cloth bag full of ventriloquist dolls (I know, it's bizarre). Even that I find nice the idea of a clay crib, Salustiano style.
Has been five years that we don't do a Christmas Tree... I miss that
Are those cacti growing near where you live? Believe it or not we have a native species here in New England, the Cape Cod Cactus. I have one in my backyard right now. We eat pumpkin pie and cheesecake as opposed to pudding and a Christmas Cactus instead of a Christmas tree. I miss mine as well. I might have to go into the woods for a small sapling or blown off branch this year.