Por que sorrir, se por dentro a indiferença sobre os acontecimentos, sobre as pessoas, sobre os sentimentos é a única coisa que me basta? Por que tornar-me um ser sociável, se tudo o que quero é ficar isolado, sozinho em algum canto de um quarto vazio. Por que lutar se um dia a morte vai me vencer? Por que viver, se viver é sofrer (By Schopenhauer)? Por que me alegrar, amar, ficar bem se tudo isso acaba e no fim só resta um vácuo? Se tudo o que você um dia amou vai partir... E o que fica é um espaço escuro, frio e vazio que vai consumindo toda a sua vontade como um buraco negro. Por que esperar algo se a angústia da espera, do desejo, é maior do que a recompensa? Se o que você tanto esperou veio tarde demais? Por que sonhar se um dia você acorda?
...Eu preciso parar de pensar...

Why to smile, if inside the indifference about what happening, about people, about feelings are the only thing that absolutes me? Why to become social, if the only thing I need is to be alone, isolated into some corner of an empty room. Why to fight if one day the death will defeat me? Why to live, is to live is to suffer (Schopenhauer)? Why to be happy, to love, to stay good if all this will end one day, and the only thing that will remain is a vacuum? If every thing that you loved one day will leave you... And what remains is a dark, cold and empty space which will consumes all your desires like a black hole. Why to wait if the anguish of this, the desire, is bigger then the reward? If that what you waited came so late? Why to dream if one day you'll wake...?
...I need to stop thinking...
...Eu preciso parar de pensar...

Why to smile, if inside the indifference about what happening, about people, about feelings are the only thing that absolutes me? Why to become social, if the only thing I need is to be alone, isolated into some corner of an empty room. Why to fight if one day the death will defeat me? Why to live, is to live is to suffer (Schopenhauer)? Why to be happy, to love, to stay good if all this will end one day, and the only thing that will remain is a vacuum? If every thing that you loved one day will leave you... And what remains is a dark, cold and empty space which will consumes all your desires like a black hole. Why to wait if the anguish of this, the desire, is bigger then the reward? If that what you waited came so late? Why to dream if one day you'll wake...?
...I need to stop thinking...
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