O que é o Blanka?
Ainda estou sem linha telefônica em casa. Consequentemente sem conexão a internet. Meu notebook teve alguma doença que ainda estou tentando recuperá-lo. Logo, sem posts nesse feriadão. Fiquei jogando no Desktop o fim de semana (fora arrumar as caixas da mudança)... Espero voltar a vida normal em breve.
Escutando Who Da Phunk (The Night)
Someone can tell me what a hell means the Blanka? Yes, that remarkable character from the game Street Fighter, symbolizing a Brazilian Fighter. Dude... Brazil... Soccer... Carnival... Capoeira... So they bring me that weird green thing, that more looks like an over sized Chupa-Cabra! Like, if some Brazilian Indian had received gamma rays and when starts angry become that thing?
I'm still without phone line at home, consequently without internet connection. My notebook had some weird sickness and I'm still trying to fix it. So, that's why there was no post this extended weekend (yesterday was holiday here). I was playing games at my Desktop this weekend (apart still unpack the removing things from their boxes)... I hope to come back to normal life (posting) soon... Cheers.
Hearing Who Da Phunk (The Night)
Blanka = Vampiro + peixe elétrico + frei damião + clorofila + ausência de caminhão carregado de gilete e cortador de unha virado na pista. O cabelo desse Blanka está mais parecido com aqueles chapéus que Carmem Miranda usava com umas bananas na cabeça.
ResponderExcluirQuem nunca quis ter um cabelo parecido com uma banana? Ainda prefiro minha teoria do Hulk Tupi-Guarani :P
ResponderExcluirDon't get a myspace, the colors and graphics on that site are distracting. What do you know about winter anyway? I bet it never dips below 50 Degrees Farenheit in tropical Brazil. I have to go close up my garden now, we have just gotten a threat of snow! You hae given me an idea for a new post.