A Formiguinha Morreu :-|

Fiquei com a Fábula da Formiguinha e a Neve na minha cabeça o dia inteiro e só então percebi que no final da estória, a formiguinha morre! :P

"...E vendo a formiguinha quase morta, gelada pelo frio, tomou-a carinhosamente entre as mãos e levou-a para seu reino encantado. Onde não há inverno, onde o sol brilha sempre, e onde os campos estão sempre cobertos de flores!"

Apesar de bela a alusão a morte e a forma poética como é tratada, quando você passa a perceber que a formiguinha morre começa a questionar a "infantilidade" do conto. Por que Deus deixou que a formiguinha morresse, apesar da sua oração? Por que a Morte não a levou da primeira vez e depois, fantasiada de primavera, veio buscá-la? Será alguma alegoria carnavalesca que a Morte resolveu usar, porque não tinha conseguido brincar em Olinda naquele ano? Será a Primavera um estagiário que faz o papel de Morte esperando um dia assumir seu lugar?
De qualquer modo não curto essa visão de paraíso com Sol brilhando todos os dias, nunca tem inverno e os campos são cobertos de flores. Se colocar um Arco-Íris vira uma parada gay. Meu paraíso tem que ser preto e branco, céu nublado e um dia chove e outro não, e todos os dias toca Radiohead... "With no alarms and no surprises... No alarms and no surprises please..."

Escutando Seu Jorge (Zé do Caroço)

I had the Little Ant fable in my head all day and so I had noticed that at the end of the history, the little ant died! :P

"...And looking for the almost dead little ant, frozen by the cold, took it caressing between her hands and took it to her enchanted kingdom! Where there's no winter, where the sun is always shining and where the fields are always green and covered of flowers!"

Besides the beautiful description of death, in a very poetic way, you start to notice that the little ant really dies and start to question how "children" is this tale. Why had God left the little ant to the death, instead of its pray? Why the Death didn't take the ant at the first time, coming back later, dressed in Spring? Might it be some Carnival dress which the Death resolved to use because couldn't at Olinda Carnival that year? Might the Spring be some temporary worker doing the role of Death, intending to some day take his place?
Any way I don't like this kind of heaven, with a sunshine sun all the time, never winter and fields covered by flowers. Put a Rainbow and it'll become a Gay Parade. My heaven is in black and white, cloudy skies, dark, some days rain, some days not... And everyday plays Radiohead... "With no alarms and no surprises... No alarms and no surprises please..."

Hearing Seu Jorge (Zé do Caroço)


  1. Winter is my favorite time of year. It is not so much death as it is a little rest. It is a time of deer in the silent woods and sunsets like pastel drawings, where the moon rises closer or farther than usual and night lasts from 4:15 in the afternoon to 7 in the morning. When Orion is in the night sky and the chickadees wait for the patriarch of the flock to announce that the humans have put the sunflower seeds out and the cat is gone. when maple trees are taped for sugar and wintergreen can be dug. When wild rose hips stand out like oxygenated blood against the grayish brown brush. Just a little nap, before we all get back to the business of growing.


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