A Agenda Secreta da Ex-Secretária Lina Vieira
Amazing... mais de duas semanas sem Internet e TV a cabo em casa. Estou conseguindo sobreviver, mas já começa a refletir no meu humor. Ando sem paciência (muito menos do que o pouco que eu já tinha). A conexão 3G não ajuda muito, pois meu pacote não é ilimitado, atendendo-me em casos de viagens e tals. Mas não para substituir completamente minha conexão usual. Preciso baixar arquivos de 700Mb...
Li ontem a respeito daquela história do suposto encontro entre a Ministra Dilma e a Demitida Lina que afirmava ter encontrado a agenda onde teria marcado o suposto encontro com a Ministra! Para mim isso não prova nada. Se eu quiser eu marco na minha agenda um encontro com a Ministra também. Se vai acontecer ou não é outra coisa. Muito provavelmente não acontecerá, mas está lá ó! Agendado! “Queremos trazer a Lina Vieira e confrontar a sua agenda com a de Dilma” - Afirmou Álvaros Dias do PSDB.
More then two weeks without internet connection or cable tv. I'm getting to survive, but its already reflecting on my mood. I have been being without patience (less then the few that I already have). My 3G connection doesn't help, because my package isn't unlimited. Just attends me when I'm traveling or something. It can't substitute my usual connection. I need to download 700mb (or larger) files.
I had read yesterday about that supposed meeting between the Minister Dilma and the Federal Accounts Ex-Secretary Lina Vieira, affirming to have found the diary where she booked the supposed meeting with the Ministry! It prove nothing to me! If I want I can also book at my diary a meeting with the Ministry! If it will happen or not, it's another thing. Probably will never happen, but it's there! At my diary! See?!?!?! "We want to bring Lina Vieira to confront her diary with the Dilma's diary" - Told Álvaro Dias, from PSDB.
Just after the meeting with the Ministry, at October 9, 2008, the ex-secretary wrote by hand: "To give a feedback to the Ministry about the Sarney Family". The date is the same that ar e on the information gave by the security system of the Palácio do Planalto building (same as the White House for the Americans), meeting place. According to the records the ex-secretary was at the building at the same day noted on her diary.
What I find amazing (more than I still without internet or cable tv) is they keep insisting on that talk-no-talk without no substantial prove about this supposed meeting that it was not supposed! Notes on the diary, even I can do it!!!
Li ontem a respeito daquela história do suposto encontro entre a Ministra Dilma e a Demitida Lina que afirmava ter encontrado a agenda onde teria marcado o suposto encontro com a Ministra! Para mim isso não prova nada. Se eu quiser eu marco na minha agenda um encontro com a Ministra também. Se vai acontecer ou não é outra coisa. Muito provavelmente não acontecerá, mas está lá ó! Agendado! “Queremos trazer a Lina Vieira e confrontar a sua agenda com a de Dilma” - Afirmou Álvaros Dias do PSDB.
Logo após a reunião com a ministra Dilma, no dia 9 de outubro de 2008, a ex-secretária da Receita escreveu a mão, na agenda: "Dar retorno à ministra sobre família Sarney". A data coincide com informações fornecidas pelo sistema de segurança do Palácio do Planalto, local da reunião. Segundo os registros apontam, a ex-secretária esteve no prédio no dia indicado por sua agenda.
O que acho impressionante (mais do que minha falta da Internet) é ficarem insistindo nesse disse-não-disse sem ainda apresentarem provas concretas que o suposto encontro não foi suposto! Anotação em agenda até eu faço!
I had read yesterday about that supposed meeting between the Minister Dilma and the Federal Accounts Ex-Secretary Lina Vieira, affirming to have found the diary where she booked the supposed meeting with the Ministry! It prove nothing to me! If I want I can also book at my diary a meeting with the Ministry! If it will happen or not, it's another thing. Probably will never happen, but it's there! At my diary! See?!?!?! "We want to bring Lina Vieira to confront her diary with the Dilma's diary" - Told Álvaro Dias, from PSDB.
Just after the meeting with the Ministry, at October 9, 2008, the ex-secretary wrote by hand: "To give a feedback to the Ministry about the Sarney Family". The date is the same that ar e on the information gave by the security system of the Palácio do Planalto building (same as the White House for the Americans), meeting place. According to the records the ex-secretary was at the building at the same day noted on her diary.
What I find amazing (more than I still without internet or cable tv) is they keep insisting on that talk-no-talk without no substantial prove about this supposed meeting that it was not supposed! Notes on the diary, even I can do it!!!
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