Frustet die Bürger
Escutei na rádio CBN essa manhã que nossa cidade está prestes a perder de ser uma das cidades a sediar a copa de 2014. Por que? Pelo simples descaso dos organizadores que nem começaram a se movimentar com a infraestrutura necessária para tal. Existe um projeto, muito bonito e tal, para isso, mas não saiu da maquete. Recife, Natal, Cuiabá e Manaus não teriam convencido aos membros da Fifa a respeito da viabilidade de seus projetos. O atraso no cumprimento dos prazos exigidos pela Fifa e a desconfiança dos estrangeiros com a saúde financeira dos Estados para bancar as obras são os principais pontos de descontentamento da entidade. O governo do estado não lançou o edital de licitação das obras da arena do Mundial até a última segunda, como estabeleceu o Comitê Organizador Local. E mais uma vez o cidadão ficará frustrado...

I had hear at CBN radio this morning that our city is getting just to go out from the list of the cities that will hostage the 2014 World Cup. Why? The simple fact that the organizers hadn't even start some movement to provide the infra structure to this. There's a project, very pretty, for this, but it didn't leave the model yet. Recife, Natal, Cuiabá and Manaus didn't convince the FIFA members about the availability of the project. The late on the deadline gave by the FIFA, and the untrusted feeling from the abroad members about the health finances of the states to start the building are the main point of unhappiness. Our state government still didn't have publish officially the contract bidding for the World Cup Arena build prices, until last Monday, as had established the Local Organization Joint. And once more the citizen is getting frustrated...

I had hear at CBN radio this morning that our city is getting just to go out from the list of the cities that will hostage the 2014 World Cup. Why? The simple fact that the organizers hadn't even start some movement to provide the infra structure to this. There's a project, very pretty, for this, but it didn't leave the model yet. Recife, Natal, Cuiabá and Manaus didn't convince the FIFA members about the availability of the project. The late on the deadline gave by the FIFA, and the untrusted feeling from the abroad members about the health finances of the states to start the building are the main point of unhappiness. Our state government still didn't have publish officially the contract bidding for the World Cup Arena build prices, until last Monday, as had established the Local Organization Joint. And once more the citizen is getting frustrated...
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