Dilma x ...Câncer?
A ministra e atual candidata a sucessão do Presidente Lula (O Cara) está curada do seu câncer!!! Healed!!! Não, eu não estou de sacanagem com isso nem fazendo alguma piada sarcástica de humor negro com essa situação. É que sinceramente eu fico pensando até onde posso acreditar na mídia e nas coisas políticas. Tipo, quem votaria em um candidato a sucessão presidencial que está com câncer? Muitas vezes ela vai ficar ausente para que o vice assuma (e no pior dos casos, definitivamente). Então, nada mais providencial que uma Cura as vésperas da campanha presidencial!
Realmente eu espero que ela tenha sido curada...
Realmente eu espero que ela tenha sido curada...
The Minister and actual president election candidate to substitute Lula (The Man) is healed from her cancer!!! Healed!!! No, I'm not getting sarcastic dark humor joker with the situation. The fact is, honestly, that I start to think until where I can believe on media and on the politics things. Like, who would give a vote to a president candidate with cancer? A President which would be out several times to make some treatment and so the vice in command several times (in the worst of the cases, definitely). So, nothing more providential then a Healing on the early presidential campaign!
I really hope that she had been healed...
It has gotten to be the style right now, having a house like this. I consider myself to be very lucky, we have about an acre or so, but it is right next to the noisiest road in town and a haunted forest full of ravenous white tailed deer, so don't envy me too much. Believe it or not you can actually grow all the stuff I am talking about in a very small area, you just have to plan things properly.
ResponderExcluirdo you have blueberries in the tropics? Maybe we are not thinking of the same blueberries.They need the impending cold weather we get here to bloom.
Hmmm.. McCain had cancer, but it didn't help him win.