Amar não é Mendigar
"Amo como o amor ama..." - Escreveu Fernando Pessoa em um dos seus poemas - um do meus preferidos - Sobre a Falência do Amor e do Prazer. Mas como o amor ama? O amor ama com intensidades e formas diferentes em cada um de nós. Essa diferença de intensidade e forma muitas vezes nos frustra. Ficamos anciosos em receber de volta o mesmo amor que damos. Algumas vezes recebemos apenas uma face virada para o outro lado. Chegamos ao ponto de ficarmos tão desesperados que começamos a mendigar esse amor.
Mendigamos atenção, carinho... Algum gesto que faça com que nos sintamos especiais para aquela pessoa. Mendigamos como se fosse uma esmola. Esquecemos que o amor é incondicional a esperar uma troca. Confundimos amor com carência. Amor não precisa de cobranças, de pedidos, de trocas e apelos.
Amar não é Esmolar...
"I love as the love loves..." - Wrote Fernando Pessoa in one of his poems - and one of my favourite - "About the Fading of Love and Pleasure". But... How does the love loves? The love loves in a several different intensity and ways, depending of each one of us. These differences also frustrate us several times. We being anxious to receive back the same love that we give. Sometimes we just receive a turned face. We get to the point to be so despaired about this that we just start to beg for this love!
We beg attention, caress... Some gesture to make us fell special to the other. We beg like if it was any change. We forget that love is unconditional for wait something in change. We confuse love with careless. Love doesn't need charges, asks, changes and appeals.
To love is not to beg...
So I will not have to put up with you claiming that the World Cup is a scam, because you do not think that it is a scam. Muy bien. That is all the Spanish I remember from last years Spanish Classes. Well, actually, I know how tenses work and how to use por and para. In other words I understand bits and pieces of your Portuguese. Still it is good that you wrote an English translation, because I never would have gotten the hole thing, not at my current level of understanding. That said, I think that pretty much explains love and affection. I rarely have the opportunity to read critiques of non English language poets, so this is a new experience. I eventually hope to get good enough to read some prose in languages other than English- but I am not there yet.