Não Saio!!!!

Pois é, o Sr. Presidente do Senando José Sarney bateu o pé e vai ficar! Quer nem saber! Ademais ele prometeu dar explicações na tribuna do senado, respondendo às acusações do Sr. Paulo Duque (PMDB) e a todas as demais perguntas que puderem surgir, a pedido do Sr. Senador Eduardo Suplicy (PT):
"...agradeceria se V. Exª pudesse informar o horário, de tal forma que pudéssemos todos nos organizarmos e sabermos, pois eu desejo muito ouvir V. Exª."

Fonte: TV Senado

Hoje, após o pronunciamento do Sr. Sarney à bancada, forças obscuras do universo fizeram com que o Sr. Senador Paulo Duque rejeitasse, isso mesmo, rejeitasse as acusações a respeito dos atos administrativos secretos no Conselho de Ética. "As denúncias estavam acompanhadas "quase apenas" da transcrição de notícias de jornais, sem documentos de comprovação, e leu decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal de que não se pode aceitar denúncia com base em recortes de jornais." - Informou matéria na página do Senado.

E no final os Atos Secretos continuarão secretos, o PSOL continuará um partido unicelular, a oposição estará se lamentando e os pingüins continuarão colocando os ovos na Antártica.

And so it is... The Senate President Mr. José Sarney refused to budge and go to stay! He doesn't care! Apart this he promised to give some explanations at the senate tribune, answering the accusations of Mr. Paulo Duque (PMDB) and all the other questions which may come. The request was made by Mr. Eduardo Suplicy (PT): "... I would like to thank if you could give us the time, so we all may know and schedule it, because I wish so much to hear you Sir."
Today, after Mr. Sarney pronouncement, obscure universe forces made the Senator Paulo Duque (yes, the same above which was about to present the accusations) reject, yes you read right, reject the accusations about the Secret Administrative Acts to the Ethic Council. "The accusations were made "for almost just" notice transcriptions from journals, without any document to prove it, and after read the Supreme Tribunal Courte decision which told that it can't accept accusations based into only journal notices." - Informed a notice at Senate site.
At end the Secret Acts will remain in secret, the PSOL will remain as an unicellular politics party, the opposition will still remain in sorrow and the penguins will still be putting their eggs at Antarctic.


  1. The State that I live in has had no budget for almost 40 years now. The Republicans are blaming the Democrats, the Democrats are blaming the Republicans, some independent and third party members are blaming everyone, I personally think that we are all to blame. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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