Encolhimento da Massa Salarial

O encolhimento da massa salarial, cujo crescimento vem sendo fundamental para sustentar o consumo neste período de crise, começa a preocupar, adverte o Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea). A massa salarial é a soma de todos os salários pagos aos trabalhadores durante o ano. Haja vista que se existe um aumento da massa salarial o mesmo só pode estar fundamentado num aumento da produção (PIB), tendo como conseqüência um aumento do consumo dos trabalhadores, retornando parte dos seus salários para a economia.
Particularmente eu já esperava algo semelhante. O Brasil conseguiu passar relativamente bem pela primeira fase da crise econômica mundial. Isso se deve ao fato do incentivo que foi dado ao consumo, fazendo a econômia girar. Entretanto eu não esperava que não fosse sentir aqui nenhum efeito dessa crise. Vêm havendo demissões nas empresas de qualquer forma. Também uma redução de contratações. Tenho visto muita gente antiga em algumas empresas, que tinha altos salários, sofrendo demissão para contratação de mão-de-obra com menor salário para substituí-los.
Eu particularmente considero uma sorte e uma grande vitória ter conseguido um aumento e uma promoção exatamente quando a crise estava em seu auje. Muito disso devo ao meu Gerente direto, a quem tenho muito carinho e respeito (sem homossexualidades) e que um dia espero poder retribuir tudo isso a altura!

The Salary Mass Shorting, that the growth has been being fundamental to support the consume in this crises period, is starting to worry, advises the Applied Institute of Economic Researches (Ipea). The salary mass is the sum of all salaries in a year paid to the workers. Thus, if we have a increase in the salary mass, this just can have fundament on a Internal Production increase, having as its consequences also a increase on the workers consuming, returning part of their salary to the economy.
Particularly I was already waiting for this. The Brazil got a relative great passage through the Mundial Economic Crises. It was due the fact of the consume incentive gave by the government, making the money circulate on the economy. Indeed I was not expecting that we will never suffer any affect of this Global Crises. The companies have been dismissing people any way. There is also a hiring reduction. I have been seeing people with a long time on the company, getting dismissed to be substituted by hired people with a less payment.
I, particularly, consider a great victory and a lucky for me, to have got a salary increase and a promotion in the great of the Global Crises. A lot of this I should be thankfully to my direct manager, whose I respect and care vary much (without homosexuality) and that one day I expect to return this!


  1. I am sorry, I am just the most prolific procrastinator in the state of Connecticut. The only thing I don't put off for more than an hour is meals. So then, will "what exactly is going on with soccer down in Brazil right now?" Hope that works. I will try to come up with a better structured question soon. Or, how about, what is the cultural significance of soccer in Brazil?" I had to go to my science textbooks and look at the how to make a hypothesis section. It seems good enough to me. "Or What are the rules of soccer?" I know the basics. I might have to do a random post on how baseball works as well as the so called "curse of the bambino", a fundamental part of the Red Sox/ Yankees rivalry until it was destroed in 2004.

  2. I had to look at my textbook as I was not sure how to frame my question in a manner that facilitated an answer. That is all.


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