Dan Ariely e o Comportamento Sexual
Li no blog (Não Posso Evitar)de um colega bloggeiro um texto deveras interessante sobre o Comportamento Sexual. Dan Ariely executou um engenhoso experimento, realizado entre alunos de uma universidade americana: Ele enviou questionários sobre comportamento sexual os voluntários, pedindo que fossem respondidos da forma mais honesta possível. As perguntas pretendiam verificar em que situações as pessoas buscariam prazer sexual. Sem que eu precise fazer algum julgamento de valor, as opções incluíam transar com a namorada, sexo oral, anal, relações com pessoas do mesmo sexo, idosos, gordos, anões, animais, vegetais e algumas outras que não ouso citar. A tabulação das respostas não mostrou nada muito de anormal, refletindo um padrão mais ou menos esperado. (Não me pergunte que padrão é esse...) Numa segunda etapa, realizada umas semanas depois, o experimento ganhou ares um pouco mais picantes. O programa que continha os questionários havia sofrido um upgrade e exibia, agora, imagens de forte apelo sexual. Mulher pelada mesmo... De acordo com as novas instruções, o voluntário deveria se masturbar enquanto respondia às perguntas. Ficou chocada? Pois é, espere até os resultados... Antes de prosseguir, adianto que o protocolo do estudo foi autorizado previamente pela universidade - uma das mais tradicionais dos EUA - e havia um termo de consentimento assinado pelos participantes, revelando a natureza do experimento. Os resultados só não foram mais surpreendentes porque Ariely já esperava uma variação nos números. Só não esperava que fossem tão grandes. Alguns dos itens para os quais a leitora torceu o nariz alguns parágrafos atrás tiveram seus índices triplicados e até quadruplicados. Jovens que antes pregavam relações responsáveis e comportamentos quase castos confessaram pensamentos um tanto quanto libidinosos sob o efeito da testosterona (ou da progesterona). Admitiam atacar seus colegas no chuveiro, avançar sobre a tiazinha da cantina, namorar pepinos e até dar uma volta com a cabritinha da fazenda. O fato é que os jovens estariam dispostos a comprar uma passagem só de ida para Gomorra, com escala em Sodoma!
I had read on a blog (Não Posso Evitar - I can't avoid) a nice text about Sexual Behavior. Dan Ariely made a curious experiment among students from an American University: He sent some questions about sexual behavior, asking for the questions to be answered as honestly as they could. The questions were intending to analyze in which situations they would looking for sexual pleasure. Without any values judgment the options including sex with girlfriend, oral, ass, relations with other from same sex, old ones, fat, animals, vegetables e some other which I can't describe :P The test results showed nothing amazing, reflecting a predictable standard (don't ask me which is that standard!) In a second test, released one week later, the experiment won some hot items. The same questions now brought with them some pictures with a strong sexual content, naked people, people having sex, etc. And according with the new instructions, the volunteer should masturbate while answer the questions! Being shocked? Wait for the results: The results were a surprise not just Ariely expected a variation in the numbers from the last test, but because the variation was too large! Some items which you reader found libidinous got their numbers three, four times bigger. The volunteers that before was defending responsible relations and almost chaste behaviors now confessed a kind of libidinous thoughts! Admiting now a desire to attack your colleagues in the shower, to jump above the hot maiden in the canteen and have a little walk with the goat at the farm. The fact was that those good behaviors now would be able to buy a one-way ticket to Gomorra, without pass through Sodoma!
I had read on a blog (Não Posso Evitar - I can't avoid) a nice text about Sexual Behavior. Dan Ariely made a curious experiment among students from an American University: He sent some questions about sexual behavior, asking for the questions to be answered as honestly as they could. The questions were intending to analyze in which situations they would looking for sexual pleasure. Without any values judgment the options including sex with girlfriend, oral, ass, relations with other from same sex, old ones, fat, animals, vegetables e some other which I can't describe :P The test results showed nothing amazing, reflecting a predictable standard (don't ask me which is that standard!) In a second test, released one week later, the experiment won some hot items. The same questions now brought with them some pictures with a strong sexual content, naked people, people having sex, etc. And according with the new instructions, the volunteer should masturbate while answer the questions! Being shocked? Wait for the results: The results were a surprise not just Ariely expected a variation in the numbers from the last test, but because the variation was too large! Some items which you reader found libidinous got their numbers three, four times bigger. The volunteers that before was defending responsible relations and almost chaste behaviors now confessed a kind of libidinous thoughts! Admiting now a desire to attack your colleagues in the shower, to jump above the hot maiden in the canteen and have a little walk with the goat at the farm. The fact was that those good behaviors now would be able to buy a one-way ticket to Gomorra, without pass through Sodoma!
Lembra-me aquela época das nossas amigas púcidas e castas :)
ResponderExcluirPrezado Ricardo,
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Obrigado, Rodolfo.
Olá Rodolfo,
ResponderExcluirPrimeiro peço desculpas por não ter respondido esse seu e-mail. Vi seu post e só assim tomei conhecimento do e-mail. Por alguma razão bizarra ele foi parar na minha caixa de Anti-Spam (Odeio quando o gMail faz dessas =P ). Removi seu endereço da lista de spam.
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Legal, Ricardo, obrigado!
ResponderExcluirUm abraço, Rodolfo.