System Meltdown - How Things Really Work

How self-sufficient we believe we are? How safe are we in our little world of technology I-do-it-for-you? We have been so dependent on technology and systems over the years that we can’t also notice how vulnerable we are. Almost everything we use and depend today also depends on chips, circuits and micro embedded systems. From the car we drive, communication, to even basic necessities such as electricity, water and food. We hava a small example about it when our cell phone is out of service for just a while. Especially for those younger, who grew up in the cell phone era. We become desperate!!! When 20 years ago the person who had access to this kind of technology was quite rare. I didn’t understand, when I was young and fashion, how people lived without television. Today everything is so dependent on systems, technology and informatics that requires complex plannings and huge investments to ensure the things working. Eletrobras Distribuição Rondônia (a power company in Nort...