Ship Simulators - É o que há de aventura!

Baixei um jogo que é só emoção: Um simulador de embarcações! Você poderá vivenciar toda a aventura de manobrar um navio pelo agitado porto do Recife! Empilhar e desempilhar contêineres em um cargueiro! Conduzir um veleiro por meses através do Atlântico olhando apenas mar e céu! Sinta-se como um verdadeiro capitão de fragata navegando pelo mar do Rio de Janeiro correndo o perigo iminente de chocar-se contra um boto!

Já havia visto simuladores de muitas coisas, mas não imaginei que existiria um de navios e embarcações. Procurei e para minha surpresa lá estava: Ship Simulator 2008 (faltou apenas o Tabajara)! Desculpem-me os marinheiros entusiastas, mas não vejo muita adrenalina em ancorar um navio no porto ou conduzir um ferry até o outro lado de um canal.
Espero que existam missões como conduzir o pesqueiro de Mar em Fúria no meio da tempestade ou atravessar o Mar Adriático em uma Drakka sob forte neblina usando apenas uma Pedra do Sol como guia.

I downloaded a game that's totally extreme: A ship simulator! You'll live the adventure of drive a ship through the hectic Recife harbor! Stack and unstack containers into a cargo ship! Drive a sailing boat through months against the Atlantic watching only sea and sky! Feel yourself like a real war ship captain sailing through the Rio de Janeiro coast facing the imminent dangerous of a dolphin collision!
Well... I already had saw a lot of kind of simulators, but never imagined to find a ship one. I looked for one and for my surprise I found it: Ship Simulator 2008! Excuse me the enthusiastic sailors, but I can't find too much emotion into anchor a ship on a harbor or drive a ferry across some sea canal.
I hope that there exists missions like driving The Perfect Storm fisher boat into the storm or across the Adriatic Sea into a Viking Drakkar under the fog using a SunStone to guide yourself =P


  1. What I meant was that I occasionally use this blog to say things that I would not usually admit to in the real world. This by no means means that I do not say these things in the real world, I am more likely to admit these things either though email or online, because I do not have to do things face to face. It seems sort of silly, especially since I do not use my real name or betray very much about where I am for the sake of keeping safe. I actually do like having a number of readers. But remember a while back the author of one of the books that I reviewed actually showed up and challenged me to a duel- was not expecting that.

    You have given me an idea for a game! Find Your Way Around Boston! Boston is one of the worst driving cities in the world, I am telling you. I went through a harbor once in a canoe. According to Ct. and R.I state law (the harbor was in both states, on the border) small boats like canoes and kayaks etc. have the right of way. Unfortunately much of the harbor did not agree with that. Did see a comb jellyfish though. Invaders from the Black Sea.

    I don't think I could ever live in a place as hot as where you are year round, I am very prone to heat rash and sunburn at the drop of a hat if I am not careful. It's summer where you are right? Or are you in a place with two seasons, wet and dry? Heating oil costs money though. I hope to get a timer for our thermostat at some point so we can keep the house cooler when we are not around and warm it up when we are. Supposedly saves money and the environment.


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